কীভাবে আমরা শ্রেণীকক্ষে শিক্ষার্থীদের ভয়েস এবং এজেন্সিকে কার্যকরভাবে ক্ষমতায়ন করতে পারি?

Empowerment of Student Agency

Empowerment of Student Agency

{$a->নাম} - {$a->তারিখ} দ্বারা Number of replies: 0

Student agency means students take ownership of their learning journey. Student agency is not a one-size-fits-all approach, but rather dynamic and continually constructed. The way of empowerment are 

  1. Facilate students with choice in what way they learn and read.
  2. Foster non-threatening learning environments for students.
  3. Encourage students to share and justify their thinking publicly.
  4. Encourage students to form their own opinions, pursue their thoughts and ideas, and show support for their peers’ thinking.
  5. Formulate discussion questions that invite student opinion, perspective, and voice.
  6. Encourage reflective and critical thinking in digital activities.