Leadership is a quality of super management. A leader couldn't make him/her a directory as autocracy himself/herself. He/she could show a pathway to followers created by future leaders. A real leader makes more leaders through his personal support, inspiration, stimulation, monitoring, and mentoring. Now, we can discuss student leadership: Student leadership is made by any student his /her personal charismatic quality. Students could roll in any discipline such as classroom, club, or sports organization. Fundamental characteristics of student leadership are communication, psychological intelligence, active in criticism, conflict mitigation, decision-making, and the power of implementing capacity. Thanks.
Rightly illustrated!
Leadership is mainly Instructional and Transformational. Instructional Leadership is a direct forces leadership. instructional leadership mainly creates an autocratic manner. Most of the time instructional leadership fails in school, college, and University. Instructional leadership is successful for the ARMY, NAVY, and AIR FORCES commands. In contrast, transformational leadership could be successfully implemented in the school college, and University. International best practices of transformational leadership in the business field successfully. Apple, Amazon, Samsung, and Microsoft marketing mainly process transformational leadership. SteevJob was a great manager of transformational leaders in the whole world.
Rightly illustrated with real life implications!
Leal life leadership has been delineated clearly.
Would you please explain the meaning of super management.
Smart concept of leadership is illustrated elaborately.