লিডারশিপ বলতে আসলে কি বোঝায় বা লিডারশিপ মানে আপনি কি মনে করেন?

Quality of Leadership?

Quality of Leadership?

{$a->নাম} - {$a->তারিখ} দ্বারা Number of replies: 9

Leadership is a set of qualities necessary to lead people or an organization. It is the art of motivating, guiding, and inspiring people to work together towards a common goal. Leadership qualities define what makes a leader effective. There are four leadership qualities: vision, influence, motivation, and compe

In reply to Md.Ashraful Islam Hazari

Re: Quality of Leadership?

{$a->নাম} - {$a->তারিখ} দ্বারা
Rightly said it is art of motivating, guiding, and inspiring people to work together towards a common goal.